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Relationship Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Relationship Report
Do you wonder what makes you and your loved ones compatible? Each relationship that we have operates in a different way, making our lives richer and more interesting. This report looks at where we are connected or not with another person.
Tom Cruise
Penelope Cruz
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Marriage Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Marriage Report
This compatibility report looks at whether you and your partner are marriage material. We look at the specific areas highlighting marriage in the astrological chart. The report goes on to look at whether each partners elemental makeup (fire, air, earth and water) are compatible.
Kurt Russell
Goldie Hawn
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Composite Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Composite Report
When two people come together in a relationship they create a chart that shows the soul or nature of their relationship. Known as the Composite or Combined Chart it shows how the combination of two people creates a relationship greater than the sum of it's parts.
Kurt Russell
Goldie Hawn
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Friends, Family, Lovers
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Friends, Family, Lovers
This report looks at the people who will accompany you on this life journey as indicated by your astrological unique chart. It's no coincidence whom your nature will attract to you. It looks at your home and familylife, at your work colleagues, your intimate friends and finally your lovers.
Kurt Russell
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Solar Return
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Solar Return
Each year the Sun returns to the exact position it was at when you were born. This is where we get the common phrase 'Many Happy Returns'. At this time a new Yearly Chart is formed. Will relationships be highlighted or will travel or work be the major theme?
Cameron Diaz
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Lunar Return
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Lunar Return
Around every 28 days the Moon returns to the exact position it was at when you were born. A chart drawn up for this point, the seed of the next lunar cycle, known as the Lunar Return chart indicates the nature and major themes of the coming month.
Cameron Diaz
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Yearly Forecast
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Yearly Forecast
Interested in knowing more about your year ahead? Our yearly forecast offers the major highlights of the upcoming year indicated by the movement of the planets against your birth chart. Will relationships, money or adventure be indicated for you?
Kurt Russell
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Monthly Forecast
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Monthly Forecast
Interested in knowing more about the month ahead? Our monthly forecast offers highlights of the upcoming month indicated by the movemnent of the planets against your birth chart. Includes faster moving transits by the inner planets Mercury, Venus and Mars.
Tobey Maguire
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Birth Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Birth Report
An astrological chart, also known as a horoscope, natal chart or birth chart looks at the nature you were born with. The specific energy indicated at that time by planets in Zodiac Signs is also reflected in you. Your birth chart is as individual and unique as a fingerprint.
Cameron Diaz
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Adolescent Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Adolescent Report
Adolescence is one of the trickiest parts of life. This report was written by a highly qualified astrologer and teacher specialising in child development. It can help guide parents and teachers to become the authority figures they need to be to guide the adolescent in their care through this time.
Billie Eilish
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Health Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Health Report
This report looks at your Natal Chart specifically focusing on the indicators that point to health and wellbeing related matters. It includes nutritional advice, stress management tips and therapy options which may be of benefit specifically for someone with your astrological makeup.
Kurt Russell
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Career/Work Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Career/Work Report
Your Career and Work Report looks at your calling or vocation in life. It outlines what talents you uniquely possess that will lead you to a fulfilling career and work life. We look at the areas of your work, income and profession and living the life you were destined for.
Kurt Russell
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Progressed Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Progressed Report
The Progressed Chart shows us the natural unfolding of the potential revealed in your Birth Chart over time. Progressions are likely to show us signposts in life's journey. We take a look at what is indicated by your Progressed Report over the coming five year period.
Kurt Russell
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Feminine Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Feminine Report
This is a report based on the Asteroids and their associated Mythology and connected to the sacred feminine. We look at their placement of the Asteroids in your chart and how each mythological figure operates within you and is emblamatic of an important part of your life.
Goldie Hawn
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Child Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Child Report
When a Child is born they are in many ways a mystery to us. How will they turn out ? What will their personality be like ? Astrology says that their basic makeup is already there and with a Child Report you can get a glimpse into that nature even before it becomes apparent.
Drew Barrymore
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Pet Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Pet Report
It is hard to sum up in words the importance of the role that animals play in our lives. Creatures great and small tug at our heart strings and teach us invaluable lessons. This report is intended to help repay the favour and understand how to best nurture and sustain them.
Dolly the Sheep
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Chiron Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Chiron Report
Chiron named after the mythological Centaur adds another dimension to a person’s chart. It reveals a person’s wounds, how to heal those that can be healed, and to accept those that cannot. A larger perspective is revealed that enables you to teach others.
Kurt Russell
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Angel Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Angel Report
This interpretation focuses on the Angels that are most prominent in your life. You will learn who they are, what they govern and what they can do for you. You will also learn ways to become more aware of them - ways to tune in to their protection and their messages.
Kurt Russell
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Money Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Money Report
Each of us were born with a unique set of values and gifts into the world. Understanding what these are, by looking at specific areas of our Natal Chart, we can gain insights into what we truly value and are talented at and how this can be manifested as material wealth.
Kurt Russell
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Family Report
Watercolor header painting for the Astrology Family Report
Actor Michael J Fox once said that family was not an important thing, it was everything! Our first instincts are shaped by what we experience in the womb, and then as we are birthed into this world, our relationship with our mother, father and then the rest of the family.
Billie Eilish
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What do the reports usually include ?

The reports include an Astrological Chart which shows the positions of the planets when you were born. From this chart, interpretations of the meanings can be made. We look at all the different features on your chart and give you written explainations of what they all mean to you and your life.

What's the difference between the Trial and Buy buttons ?

The Trial button allows you to do a FREE sample report. The sample report includes some of the sections, but not all the sections present in the full report. After seeing your free sample report, you can upgrade it to the full report by paying.

How can I see an example of a Full Report ?

There is a toggle button at the top left which allows you to switch from Store view to Examples view. From the examples view you will be able to view full versions of each reports for various celebrities.

Why do some reports have one person and others have two ?

Most Astrology Reports are based on an individual, but some are based on a combination of two people to determine their synastry or compatibility. The two person reports usually have something to do with a relationship.

What if I want to buy multiple reports at the same time ?

You can first select to Buy the main report that you want. During checkout you will be asked if there are any other reports you wish to include with your order. Sometimes there are discounts offered on the additional reports.

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On this screen when you save a report type it gets stored in the browser and you will be able to find all the report types you've saved by clicking on the My Saved filter button. Even if you come back on another day.

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For single report purchases that are not repeating or subscription based, we accept PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Master Pass and regular credit cards via Square. For recurring or subscription based purchases we only accept PayPal.